Please Read Nine Letters From Veteran Organizations

That the Veterans Post News took money from,

as accused by Terry Richards of Gulfport, FL back in 2005



RumorHasIt/LetAL125.pdf       American Legion Post 125   


RumorHasIt/LetDAV9.pdf        Disabled American Veterans Chapter 9   


RumorHasIt/LetDist6.pdf         DAV District 6 Commander


RumorHasIt/LetJWV.pdf          Jewish War Veterans


RumorHasIt/LetKWVA.pdf       Korean War Veterans


RumorHasIt/LetPVA.pdf           Paralyzed Veterans of America


RumorHasIt/LetPVAwc.pdf      Paralyzed Veterans of America Wheelchair Sports


RumorHasIt/LetRats.pdf           National Order of Trench Rats







Richards was never at the events, never spoke to any

member of any organization, had no proof of anything

he spoke about... But still he said it.









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